How It Works

How To Play Connecting Word

The concept is simple, the goal of the puzzle is to find a word that connects 3 of the 4 given words. At the same time, you need to find which of the 4 words does not belong.

Connecting words are described as words that are used as part of other common words or phrases in the English language.

For example, let’s give you the list of four words. They are: Rest, Mate, Statue, Elbow. Using your vocabulary knowledge, you realize the word “room” can be used with:

  • “Rest” as in “Restroom” – the place you go to use the facilities.
  • “Mate” as in “Roommate” – those who you share living spaces with.
  • “Elbow” as in “Elbow Room” – The space people ask for when in a crowded environment.
  • “Statue” is does not go with the “room” and is therefore the words that is not needed.


Overall, each puzzle has 2 variables you have to figure out at the same time.

1. What words connects them

2. What word does not belong

Connecting Word Examples

connecting word example 1

As you can see, the word “Ball” connects with “Point” to form “Ball Point”, “Screw” to form Screwball” and “Fire” to form “Fireball”. The word “Bell” does not belong.


connecting word example 2

As you can see, the word “Night” connects with “Late” to form “Late Night”, “Light” to form “Night Light” and “Train” to form “Night Train”. The word “Sad” does not belong.