Connecting Word Books

A Word Puzzle, Riddle and Brain Teaser All Rolled Into One. 

Our Books

Are you looking for a new type of puzzle that will challenge your thinking and grasp of the English language? You have come to the right place. Connecting Word puzzles are designed for those who love to work on crossword puzzles, riddles, brain teasers and consider themselves a master of language. 


new puzzle book

For Wordsmiths

Solving all kinds of puzzles, including Word Search, Sudoku, Code Words and Word Fill-ins can provide vigorous mental workouts for everyone from youngsters to senior citizens. You can boost your memory, reasoning, creative thinking and problem solving. We know that adding Connecting Word puzzles into your library will do just the same.

connecting word puzzles

How It Works

The concept is simple, the goal of the puzzle is to find a word that connects 3 of the 4 given words. At the same time, you need to find which of the 4 words does not belong. Connecting words are described as words that are used as part of other common words or phrases in the English language.

brain teaser book


All puzzles in our books have been designed in large print with a high contrast, which makes them perfect for all ages, including the visually impaired. Answers are well arranged at the back of the book just in case you are unable to figure out the connecting word answer.

Exciting Fun

We hope you get as much enjoyment out of the puzzles as we have creating them. Overall, each book contains 110 puzzles that will test your knowledge and grasp of the English language. Enjoy!

An Enjoyable Activity That Will Keep You Pondering For Hours.


These books are a collection of 110 brain teasing word puzzles and their purpose is to make you think and stretch your mind. They are designed to test logic, vocabulary knowledge, lateral thinking as well as memory and to engage the brain in seeing patterns and connections between different words and phrases.

Looking for a new fun hobby that pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee and a lazy Sunday morning. You have found it.

If you are a self-proclaimed “Wordsmith” and need a new way to be productive and to find efficient ways to pass some time, the Connecting Word puzzles are for you. There is nothing that can beat the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment which comes from solving an especially hard puzzle.